DOGO News is a popular kid's source for easy to read and understand news articles from around the world and is a child-friendly alternative to kid's current events websites. The DOGO news website was launched in 2007, where "DOGO" means small or young in Swahili.

The creator, Meera Dolasia was born in Kenya, studied in the UK, moved to Canada and then the United States. Meera decided to create DOGO news after she started an e-newsletter that had grown in subscribers for her kid's school. She launched DOGO news and started to write original current events articles specifically for children. What started as a small blogging website, quickly grew into an engaging popular news site for kids and educators.


DOGO News also has additional features to provide kids with the option of creating an account for leaving comments, writing reviews and following their peers. News articles can be viewed without creating an account, but visitors who want to be active on the website, will require a login ID. When you create an account, it can be either as a child or a teacher account. Once an account is created, then users can comment on the various articles. Kids can also create custom avatars and interact with their friends, and it's a great opportunity for the kids to develop their writing skills. Comments are moderated by DOGO News moderators before being published online, which keeps the website child friendly.

In Summary

Dogo News is a fun educational resource as it helps to educate children on important events and discoveries through child friendly articles. DOGO News is also an ideal resource for current events and non-fiction reading in the classroom. Students can read articles as a class and then discuss the topic amongst each other. While the articles are easy enough to understand, they challenge children into learning new words and concepts with engaging news articles written specifically for kids.